Who has the final say?? Jehovah has the final say!!
Who has the final say?? Jehovah has the final say!!
He turned my life around, Jehovah turned my life around!
He made a way, where there was no way...
Jehovah, has the final say!
This is definitely the song of Saffrah now that she knows the Lord. Her story, is one which proves that sometimes, if not always, we underestimate the things that children can comprehend. We forget that the world you create for your child, whether intentionally or not, is the same world they'll use as a frame for life.
Saffrah was indeed very different to the other children in her reception class. She was highly intelligent and deeply aware of her surroundings. However, this was not what made her different. What made her different was the fact that she was intensely involved with the demonic. Dedicated to the devil at birth by her witchcraft practicing mother, Saffrah found no shame in playing ring-a-ring-a-roses in her school playground with beings no-one else but her could see. Everyone in her class, including her teacher was scared of her. For though she was quiet, whenever she became the slightest bit angry, her face contoured and the evil in her heart was perfectly revealed. In fact almost all who knew of her at school were afraid of her.
With the little Saffrah knew about Jesus, she proclaimed to hate Him. She was oblivious to the truth, like all who find themselves serving the devil. On the other hand, her mother knew that Jesus was the Son of the Living God, but she chose to renounce Christ's Kingship because her but-for-a-moment pleasures and indulgences clouded the importance of where she was to spend eternity. Through the way she lived, Saffrah was conditioned to believe that the truth was indeed false and that which was founded upon lies, gospel.
So this was the story of Saffrah before she met the LORD.
Salvation is such a beautiful thing because it doesn't matter what you've done in the past, God still wants to be in a relationship with you i.e He wants for you to know Him and for Him to care for you like no other! He loves you irrespective of where you came from and He desires to give you the life you were created to have. A life filled with hope, joy, peace, love and so much more. In mentioning the word love, I can't help but smile. It's a word many throw around so casually without understanding its true meaning or potential. It is a word which can sometimes bring about feelings and emotions we desire not to face but in it's perfection, God's love, fear is removed and kindness is revealed. Inhibitions are destroyed, and you feel like an overcomer. You know and feel that you can achieve anything. You trust like never before, you hope like never before and your senses and spatial awareness' are heightened. You feel free, you feel protected and you have peace and you have joy. And these are only just some of the blessing received, once you enter into the knowledge of the Father's love. Something Saffrah was about to encounter.
Stay tuned into The Kingdom Seekers... there's a lot more to Saffrah's story!
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Belief in Christ with the progressive and active desire to know God and to live your life for Him, with Him and in Him, alongside a true confession of this and your absolute need for Him activates your salvation!
- John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
- John 17:3 - Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
- Romans 10:9-10 - That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is LORD," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved
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