
3. Leah's Encounter with Passion

Leah's 8. She's an only child and comes from a single parent home whereby her mother's just turned 23. Not knowing who her father is, many have classed her as a statistic. They say, 'she's probably going to grow up like her mother, pregnant by the age of 15, probably gain one or two GCSEs and not make it through college'. They say 'she'll live on benefits and never really achieve her dreams and share her God-given talents'. And what's strange is that while many have already forecasted out her future, Leah has no clue that this could ever be her reality.

Leah has what her teachers would like to call an 'expressive character'. Quite loud, passionate and highly emotional. They say it's because she's never had a father, which is certainly true for her case. Leah would see her mother move from guy to guy thinking that each one could be the father she'd never met, but each time she'd find herself disappointed with their departure. All Leah wanted was a 'sustainable' father. She was about to get more than she bargained for.

One night, Leah had a dream that would change her life for good! When she woke from the dream, she found herself having a mixture of emotions. She knew that the dream had to have been real, but it was nothing like she'd ever seen before. Not even on television! The language the people spoke was different, they all looked different, their clothes and hairstyles were different. Everything was just different to what she was used to.

As a result of her dream, she wanted to tell everyone that the man whom the dream was about was telling the truth and that he was innocent. But she had one problem. She didn't know his name. All she could gather from the dream was that this man was intelligent, kind and not guilty. Leah felt like she'd known this man all her life and that she could relate to him and him to her. She wished he could be her father. Leah just couldn't take all of it in! There were too many emotions involved. And furthermore, she couldn't understand why he had to die! He was innocent! But one thing Leah was certain about, was that she'd see him again. Even though in her dream, he had died, the story wasn't over for this guy. She didn't know how or when, but she was going to meet him and she was determined to find out who he was so she could proclaim his truth.

If you have or haven't guessed, the man in the dream was Jesus. Leah basically dreamt a quick run-through of His life, mainly detailing the Passion week, which was Christ's last week before He died and rose again. Leah did in fact search for 'the man' as she called him. She told her mother her dream but because she knew nothing of Christ, she could not help. She advised Leah it was only a dream. But Leah had found passion. It was this man's story. And all she had to do to piece the final parts to the puzzle, was to find out his name and meet him. It couldn't be that hard could it? Someone had to have known him!

Kingdom Seeker Signout 3!

Copyright © 2010 Abisola

4. Leah Begins to Behold the Glory

It's becoming more and more apparent to me that the only glory for man to attain and should earnestly seek, is the knowledge and understanding of God.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NKJV)
Thus says the LORD:

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
But let him who glories glory in this,
That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgement, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,
says the LORD.

When God created us human beings, He created us in His image (Gen 1:27). So for us to be created in the image of God, is for us to behold the beauty of God, is for us to be able to walk and talk with God as we are like Him. Deep calls out to deep right? So when man sinned, that imaged which he was meant to behold was now scarred, because the image of God cannot carry sin.
In order for us to regain that image in which we were created, we are to now behold the glory of God, who is Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:4 (NIV) 'The god of this age has blinded the eyes of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.' And how do we attain this you may ask?
2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV)
'But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the LORD'

1. Desiring this transformation and the glory of God, desiring to know Father.
2. By the power of the Holy Spirit & trusting Him.
3. Looking unto Jesus, admiring His beauty
4. Understanding that it is a process and believing that transformation will take place


After dreaming 'the dream', Leah's quickly attitude turned from being highly expressive and loud, to being quite quiet and pensive. She was so trapped in thought that whenever her teacher tried to ask her a question or her friends tried to talk to her, Leah simply ignored them. Not on purpose, she was just in another world. After the lunch bell had woken her up, Leah's concerned teacher asked her to stay behind. "What's the matter Leah? Is there something wrong at home?"
"No Miss." Leah replied softly. "Then what been going on with you, you practically weren't in my lesson today. What's been happening in that mind of yours ay Leah?" Leah paused long and hard before she answered. "Well, I had a really strange dream yesterday. Well, it wasn't strange it was real."
"Real?” Her teacher questioned. “You mean it seemed real."
"No Miss. It was real."
"Explain to me."
“I dreamt about a man. He was really kind and smart. He helped a lot of people. He was like a doctor sometimes and sometimes he did really amazing things.”
"Like what?" Leah's teacher asked. "Like walking on water and feeding like loooadss of people!" Leah exclaimed. "You mean Jesus?" Leah’s teacher's voice contained both sarcasm and confusion.
"Jesus. You know the guy people claim to be the Son of God…" At that point, Leah's world froze. And her teacher continued. "...And they say he died a brutal death on the cross..." Leah burst out in tears, remembering that part of her dream. "It was so horrible what they did to him! That was the scariest part of my dream. How could they beat a man who was so kind and put nails through his hands and feet? And hang him on a cross. He was innocent!" Leah's cries turned into a deep weep. "Leah, why are you crying? This man is probably not even real..." Leah's face depicted anger in an instant. "This man is the realest man ever!” She said with such passion. "Wait... Leah, if you didn't know his name, then how do you know his story?"
"I dreamt it last night."
"You dreamt it? And before that?"
"Before that what?" Leah questioned. "Before that, had you read anything about him or watched anything on TV about him?"
"No" Leah shook her head violently as if to say she was really really telling the truth. "I see, what did your mum say?"
"Mummy didn't know the story or who the person was. She said it was a fagmont of my imagination."
"Figment dear... this is very strange. This story is supposedly supposed to have taken place over 2000 years ago."
"Really?" Leah asked which such childish inquisition. "Woow! That's a long time ago. After he died, what happened, because for some reason I don't think his story ended there?”
"Well I don't know too much Leah, but the story says how he rose again on the third day. And that's why we celebrate Easter." It was then Leah's faced beamed with such a beautiful light. "He's here." She softly said. "Hi Jesus."
Jesus replied "Hello Leah.”

As Leah beheld the smile of the LORD, His words seemed to touch her in a way that seemed to make her soul feel at peace. Something she had never felt before. As she then heard the words ‘I had to die’, she fell to her knees. Now she began to understand why He had to die. She was a sinner. Even at such a young age, she could grasp that she could have never be as good or as loving as Him. Especially as she’d always been getting into trouble for being so loud. “But… but…” As though He knew exactly what she was going to say, He gently said, “So you could enjoy life with my Father forever! And He’s the best!” A large smile grew across His face. “He’ll be with you forever!” Leah was in awe. “I took your place because I love you. From now on you will take on my life by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Kingdom Seeker Signout 4

Copyright © 2010 Abisola Ifasawo